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  • The Water Story Middle East

The WATER STORY ME informs you about key water challenges and solutions in the Middle East. Enjoy constructive water-related journalism, know what’s happening with your precious water and learn how you can contribute to sustainable water management.

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The political situation contributed to the water scarcity crisis

In this interview, Jordanian environmentalist Munqith Mehyar talks about the need to constantly review and modify water agreements…

Dr Elias Salameh

Desalination in the Gulf of Aqaba: an interview with Dr Elias Salameh

Professor Elias Salameh believes that Jordan should be more self-reliant when it comes to water resources. According to…

Water scarcity in Jordan and the 1987 Syria-Jordan agreement

An interview with Jordanian water expert Dr Dureid Mahasneh who talks about the current water crisis in his…

تفاقم أزمة شح المياه … كارثة تهدد الأردن

تُعتبر منطقة شمالي وادي الأردن جزءاً هاماً من السلّة الغذائيّة للأردن. بيد أن شحّ الموارد المائية، مقارنةً بما…

Be inspired by Lebanon’s social enterprises!

The Blue Peace Media Lab has helped many high-potential social enterprises grow into fully-fledged sustainable businesses, by providing…

Tools for meaningful water stories

The way how a story about water related topics is told has a big influence on its impact. Find tools and answers to questions about water related print, online and broadcast journalism.

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